I didn’t make this decision to countersue lightly. Project Veritas’ leaders have gone on air to claim I suffer from Aspergers and narcissism, calling me “Mr. Aspergers Narcissist," they have made unmistakable false claims that I'm "totally drug addicted,” among many other outrageous and slanderous comments.

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Last May, I was sued by the leaders of the organization I founded, Project Veritas.

After firing me months before that, in their attempt to break my spirit, the board members I had trusted and selected to oversee the organization I founded from my parents’ home, publicly and brutally disparaged me.

In Project Veritas' lawsuit against me, they wanted to stop me from pursuing my work as an investigative journalist. Please make no mistake; they tried to silence me and put me out of work forever.

But that wasn’t all . . . they wanted to humiliate and shame me into hiding.

Today, I need your help fighting back.

While defending myself against their ongoing lawsuit, I've filed a countersuit against Project Veritas and need to immediately raise $74,019 to cover my outstanding legal fees and replenish my retainer.

I'm extremely grateful for any amount you can donate.

I didn’t make this decision to countersue lightly.

Project Veritas’ leaders have gone on air to claim I suffer from Aspergers and narcissism, calling me “Mr. Aspergers Narcissist," they have made unmistakable false claims that I'm "totally drug addicted,” among many other outrageous and slanderous comments.

I‘ve had a girlfriend harassed, personal text messages released, and even had my medical records leaked.

Now, I have been attacked for nearly two decades by the Left. I can take a punch. I can get knocked down and get back up. But I admit that the systematic attacks by Project Veritas’ leaders knocked me to the floor like nothing has in my life.

Betrayal is an understatement. Public humiliation by men you trusted as brothers offers a new type of pain that carves itself into your soul.

I survived by throwing myself into my work with OMG. And you’ve seen those results.

But even that has been challenging due to the bald-faced lies endlessly repeated by these folks I trusted.

Donors questioned me, prospective business partners shunned me, and our enemies on the Left just sat back and took notes to use against me in the future.

If it were not for help from men and women like you who maintained their faith in me, I'm not sure where I would be today.

I thank God for your ongoing support.

And I need you to step up again to finally put this matter behind me.

My attorneys estimate Project Veritas' lawsuit against me and my counterclaim, which would allow me to recover attorney's fees, will cost another $228,000. And that's if everything goes as planned.

But I must come up with $74,019 within the next 10 days.

Will you help? Any amount you can donate will help knock down that large amount.

This isn't about grudges or infighting. 

It is far larger than that, and when we beat this and turn the tables, it will shut down future attempts to take me down.

I can’t prove it yet, but I don’t believe in coincidences. My ousting from Project Veritas came right after I released the biggest story of my life about COVID-19's manipulation by one of the world's largest drug makers, Pfizer.

Winning this will send a clear message that I am not alone. I have you by my side and am eternally grateful for your loyalty.

Thank you again. Please donate today to Liberty Guard's Legal Defense Fund to help me fight back.

In Truth,

James O’Keefe
Founder and CEO
O'Keefe Media Group

P.S. I will let the court decide the damages to my counterclaim. This isn't about money. It's about principle and NEVER backing down. So please, help me stand firm and fight back by donating today.

O'Keefe Media Group

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